Page name: Draco Malfoy Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-09-02 01:46:20
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
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~Draco Malfoy Lovers~


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Pictures of the sexy Draco Malfoy

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2006-06-19 [LOLNERD.]: Yeah, but if he were a dementor, we couldn't kiss him because we'd die...

2006-06-20 [~*sikhprincess*~]: that would be true but we could stare at him all day.

2006-06-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep

2006-06-21 [LOLNERD.]: See, there is yet another thing about that. He's evil. He'd kiss us just for the hell of it and cause us to kick the bucket. That's why real Draco ish mejor.

2006-06-21 [~*sikhprincess*~]: The real draco is always going to be better.

2006-06-21 [LOLNERD.]: Si!

2006-06-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok,I would kiss him for 5 hours.

2006-06-24 [~*sikhprincess*~]: i would kiss him way longer than 5 hours. he is so totally hott.. he deserves to be kissed longer than that. dont you think

2006-06-25 [LOLNERD.]: I think I'd die if I kissed him for that long. I'd have to take a breath at some point. And Jakie-poo is much hotter. And probably more experienced. x3

2006-06-27 [~*sikhprincess*~]: well of course you would need to take a breath so would i.

2006-06-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: me too,

2006-07-07 [~*sikhprincess*~]: but then again Jake is really hott. now i am confused on who i would kiss longer Jake or Draco. *confused look*

2006-07-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2006-07-08 [LOLNERD.]: I would definately kiss Jake longer. I had an entire dream where practically all I did was make out with Jake. But, of course, there were some other story plot shit mixed in. The dream wasn't solely kissing.

2006-07-09 [~*sikhprincess*~]: thats cool and strange at the same time, but i have had a dream like that before and i dont know who i was making out with it was weird. i can tell you that. it haunted me for weeks and i still dont know who that person was

2006-07-09 [LOLNERD.]: Wow... Just, wow...

2006-07-10 [~*sikhprincess*~]: exactly what i said

2006-07-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: I had a dream about,Edward Elric

2006-07-13 [~*sikhprincess*~]: really that must have been a wierd one with an anime character and a real person.

2006-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: yeah,and ummm......*is embrassed remebering the dream*

2006-07-15 [~*sikhprincess*~]: lol

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